Anthony explains his WHY.

My Philosophy/Approach:

If you are involved in sports, you need the physical tools and the mental tools in order to maximize your potential. Something I didn’t have growing up playing sports; the mindfulness component to go along with the physical training. First and foremost, I support people who are open to the process of change and I bring lots of Love, Honesty, Humility and Humor along the way. Each person is like a snow flake, there are no two alike. The same holds true for how I work with people, I start form a blank slate, each person is different and brings their uniqueness to the table. We all see the world through our own set of lenses, but can you see with new eyes? A different way, a new perspective when it comes to how you are in your mind.

When wanting to create a “High Performance Mindset” it is important to invest in our mindfulness and how we move. Combining the two: (Mindfulness and Exercise) have a powerful effect! Training a disciplined mind and body takes great awareness, insight and wisdom. Creating a High-Performance Mindset along the way where our thoughts, actions, attitude and effort are in alignment through being mindful in our daily lives. Training mindset skills of calm, confidence, focus and trust in oneself. Becoming aware of how we make sense of the world around us through optimism, control and grit as well as pillars of recovery: sleep well, eat, hydrate, move well and think well.

Deciding to change

Change is an interesting concept because it requires becoming aware or mindful. It requires deciding how you no longer want to be, and or creating a new self or new life. Having this level of awareness takes daily practice, mental effort and lots of restraint from falling back into “old habits” or ways of thinking. What are the benefits? Change is about expansion or having a “Growth Mindset” as Carol Dweck stated. Its’ all about unlearning certain traits that we have been conditioned to since childhood. We have created these well-worn pathways in our brains and now it’s about creating new pathways. Its’ about breaking the habit of your old self and reinventing a new self. It’s all about your decision to no longer think, act, or feel in predictable ways. How do we do this?


This isn’t about analyzing, fixing or lecturing you. It simply begins by being with what is, the connection with yourself and those around you. Change, growing and healing aren’t about becoming “better” or more “perfect”, which is like a dog chasing its tail. Change and healing are simply about becoming more aligned with our deep truth of who we already are and have always been, but have just forgotten. Being aware of the quality of your thinking has a huge impact on how you are showing up in this world.

Once we are aware of our thinking we can decide and have the power to change our thoughts, whether wanting to achieve on the court, field, diamond, the ice, water, the pitch, in the classroom and in the game of life! We then can have the tools to calm our nervous system and be in the moment in order to perform. Thoughts are just that. Our mind is a thought machine! Are all of our thoughts true? We become conditioned to believing the stories we tell ourselves. What are the things we have 100% control in our lives? Our thoughts, actions, attitude and effort! That’s it! Can we be mindful of our present moment more? What are we feeling? Why are we feeling this? Where are we feeling this in our body? What is the “old story” I’m telling myself in this moment? Is it true?

It’s ongoing progression


This journey we are on as humans isn’t about trying to be perfect and avoiding mistakes. We are all doing the best we can, given where we are in life and the environment we live in. As we become more aware of how we are being in this world, it can be confusing at times or even frustrating. How can we be loving in one moment and a monster the next? Intelligent, then ignorant? This is what connects us all as part of our natural evolution in our journey as humans. Along the way, we’ll make mistakes, learn from them and become more awake, empowered and kinder to ourselves. This condition of “Striving” to be, be something we tell ourselves, can we invite more gentleness and compassion towards ourselves that allows for genuine transformation.

When we are willing to relate to our experiences with openness, curiosity and presence, transformation can happen quickly. While everyone is capable of doing this deep work, many simply won’t. We naturally cling to our limiting patterns, even those that cause us much suffering, because they are unconscious, familiar like an old blanket, and the story we have created of our being. We all have the wisdom within us to find our way, to choose a different path. This journey of self-discovery and change takes courage, creativity, commitment and lots of humor! It is you that ultimately will have to do the heavy lifting. This process may be difficult and uncomfortable at times, but I will be walking alongside you the entire way.